I am exploring the world of meditation....
Working from home, I have found I can spend many hours sewing and simply thinking and thinking and thinking while sewing, to a point where its unbearable, to a point where I annoy myself and try and turn it off (my thaughts) but simply cant.
I stumbled across an Osho explanation on youtube, about meditation and more specifically meditation for "modern" people. He explains, that the sitting meditation is very dificult for most, as they are filled up with garbage, and that its way too overwhelming.
"Modern man is a very new phenomenon. No traditional method can be used exactly as it exists because modern man never existed before. So, in a way, all traditional methods have become irrelevant.
For example, the body has changed so much. It is so drugged that no traditional method can be helpful. The whole atmosphere is artificial now: the air, the water, society, living conditions. Nothing is natural. You are born in artificiality; you develop in it. So traditional methods will prove harmful today. They will have to be changed according to the modern situation.
Another thing: the quality of the mind has basically changed. In Patanjali's [the most famous commentator on Yoga] days, the center of the human personality was not the brain; it was the heart. Before that, it was not even the heart. It was still lower, near the navel. The center has gone even further from the navel. Now, the center is the brain. That is why teachings like those of Krishnamurti have appeal. No method is needed, no technique is needed – only understanding. But if it is just a verbal understanding, just intellectual, nothing changes, nothing is transformed. It again becomes an accumulation of knowledge." ...
(to read the rest http://www.osho.com/Main.cfm?Area=Meditation&Language=English)
It made sense to me, so I decided to ask his book and CD for my 30th birth day from my mom.
I jumped directly to the dynamic meditation part, and started. Its a 5 step process. I started with the heavy and rapid exhaling (step1), continued with whatever movement my body wanted to make (more like an explosion), shouting, singing etc. (step2), started with step 3 which requires you to jump and say hoo when I had the neighbour bang....arghhhhhh. I slowed down, went to the 3d step which is to freeze, and couldnt finish it as my concentration (or lack of it?) was interrupted.
Instead of getting mad, I simply put it on the last step, which would technically be dancing in gratefullness, and layed down on the ground and enjoyed the new sensation I had flowing in my body. I then went to bed, curled up in a foetus position, and stayed there for 1/2 hr. Nothing mattered.
I have to say that step 2 was quite powerful for me, as I was screaming (without sound but nonetheless screaming), crying and letting an explosion of emotions out. "The Hoo mantra is a Sufi sound, and its a sound that goes to the sex center. The sex center can be hit in 2 ways. The 1st is naturally. Whenever you are attracted to a member of he opposite sex, the sex center is hit from without. Hoo will hit the same sex center of energy, but from within, so the energy starts to flow within (as opposed to outward if it is from without, towards the person that you are attracted to)-interestingly enough, I was wet at the end of this step, having turned myself on?, without wanting anything more-. This inner flow of energy changes you completely. You become transformed: YOU GIVE BIRTH TO YOURSELF... We are trying to get the energy to move upward, which would also be known as kundalini. " (Osho meditation book)
The first 3 steps are ment to be a preparation to the "meditaion" part.
"If you do my method of Dynamic Meditation vigorously, unsystematically, chaotically, your center moves to the heart. Then there is a catharsis.
A catharsis is needed because your heart is so suppressed, due to your brain. Your brain has taken over so much of your being that it dominates you. There is no place for the heart, so the longings of the heart are suppressed. You have never laughed heartily, never lived heartily, never done anything heartily. The brain always comes in to systematize, to make things mathematical, and the heart is suppressed. So firstly, a chaotic method is needed to push the center of consciousness from the brain toward the heart.
Then catharsis is needed to unburden the heart, to throw off suppressions, to make the heart open. If the heart becomes light and unburdened, then the center of consciousness is pushed still lower; it comes to the navel. The navel is the source of vitality, the seed source from which everything else comes: the body and the mind and everything."
Monday, December 14, 2009
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