Friday, January 29, 2010


Looking for all the different egos in me to get to the ME, the real ME.

-Tina the seductor
-Tina the shy
-Tina the agressive
-Tina the passive
-Tina the pity-me
-Tina the strong
-Tina the feminist
-Tina the generous
-Tina the cold
-Tina the unsecure
-Tina the philosopher
-Tina the cynical
-Tina that hugs trees
-Tina that manipulates
-Tina the "warrior when unfairness arises"
-Tina the practical
-Tina the sweet
-Tina that expects
-Tina that feels is important and needs attention
-Tina the "life is beautiful"
-Tina that knows what she wants and wants it now
-Tina the spiritual
-Tina the joker
-Tina the anxious and fearful
-Tina the undiplomatic
-Tina that encourages
-Tina the hater
-Tina the lover
-Tina the creative
-Tina the destructive
-Tina the compulsive
-Tina the bargain finder
-Tina the nerd
-Tina the cool
-Tina the stubborn
-Tina the understanding
-Tina the forgiving
-Tina the exhibitionist
-Tina the prude
-Tina the passionate
-Tina the artist

Its weird its as if I dont know all these personalities put like this separately but put all together they would be me. And yet, they are not. I'm looking for me further past this mess.

If we are all united then we are what we criticize in others as much as everything we love in others. What we do to help ourselves will inevitably help others.
If we are one, then we shouldnt seek for a healing outside but rather inside, which will indeniably heal others.

Who am I?

I'll be back.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Still here

I have not forgotten about the blog, although the holidays kind of took over my routine. I am currently looking at my patterns, beliefs and programs. It is a long process, and lots of introspection, but I will be back with more details about this.

If I can get to my objective, I'd like to destroy them all!!! I will. Little by little. :)

Sometimes I wish I had a master to help me, but then a master will only teach you to know yourself, after that you're on your own..